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Loving as he loves, forgiving as he forgives

LCBC Online

Posted on 19th March 2016 at 12:18 by LCBC News in LCBC News Blog

Jane McNabbLCBC's Women’s conference 2016

 A pink bag containing the following: lavender bag (nice smell ), programme (to know what to expect), tissues (in case of the sniffs or tears), pen and notebook (for those who like to take notes), feedback sheet (always good), and a book entitled “Things  to pray for the people you love” by Rachel Jones.   These were some of the items we received at the women’s conference recently, along with a lovely lunch and  food for thought from our speaker Jane McNabb, a minister’s wife,  who had kindly agreed to take time out from her busy life and speaking schedule and come  and share her thoughts with us on the subject 'Loving as he loves and forgiving as he forgives'. 

Jane spoke sensitively and thoughtfully on this subject which is one that surely every one of us has had to consider and maybe grapple with at some time in our lives. 

We looked at passages from Philippians 2 verses 1 to 18,  Philippians 4 verses 2 to 3, and Matthew 18  verses 21 to 35.  Jane  encouraged us to really consider how Christ loved us in laying aside his glory and taking the full weight of our sins upon himself by dying on the cross so that those who trust in him are no longer under the judgement of God.  Christ in his grace, and by his love for us has done it all for us.  Jane reminded us that because of this great gift of love, grace and forgiveness of sins it is only right and natural that we love him, and also fellow men in the same way.   'Our faith is proved by our love (for God) and for others'. 

No fishingWe considered the fact that as committed Christians we are one with Christ. We considered his humility, his now being exalted, and that we can show his love to others by being his hands and feet on earth.  We looked at the responsibility to love and forgive others just as Christ forgave us and to remember 'not to dredge up from the lake' and dwell on past hurts but to repent, forgive, and forget. 

Jane quoted 2 Corinthians 10 'Take captive every thought', which helps us to move on after hurts and not to keep dwelling on things which have hurt us. 

In a school we visited I remember reading a plaque on the wall which said 'Attitude is everything' which sums up these verses in Philippians.  Our attitude should be the same as Christ's; we love because he first loved us.  Even when it seems impossible to forgive, forget, and move on, it is possible when we ask God to help us. 

It was good to take time out with other women to reflect on this basic teaching and to enjoy some time relaxing in each other’s company. 

Thank you to all who organised the morning and those working in the kitchen, giving us some time off from food prep. It was all much appreciated.

w conf lunch

Long Crendon Baptist Church